Instruments and Analyses
The Laboratory for Soil Biogeochemistry uses state-of-the-art equipment and offers following analytical techniques:
Analyses of macroelements
Analyses of microelements
Element speciation
Stable isotope analyses
Soil physics analyses
A selection of our analytical possibilities is presented on the poster. The detailed list of available instruments can be found in the thematically sorted tabs.
For processing ultra trace analyses and isotope analyses of metals we have a metal-free, clean-air laboratory equipped with laminar flow workstations (ISO class 1-3).
- Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES)
- Continuous Flow Analyzer (CFA)
- TOC & TN Elemental Analyzer
- CNS Elemental Analyzer
- CHNOS Elemental Analyzer
- Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (F-AAS) with flow injection and Hg-system
- UV-VIS-Photometer
- Kjeldahl destillation apparatus
- Ion selective electrodes (ISE) and handeheld devices for pH, Eh, Cl-, O2
- Conductivity measuring devices
- Scheibler instruments
- Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS)
- Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (GF-AAS)
- Gas Chromatograph - Flame Ionisation Detector / Mass Spectrometer (GC-FID/GC-MS)
- Trace S & Cl Elemental Analyzer
- TOC & TN Analyzer - Isotope-ratio mass spectrometer (TOC-IRMS)
- CHNOS Analyzer - Isotope-ratio mass sptectrometer (TC/EA-IRMS)
- Gas chromatograph - Isotope-ratio mass spectrometer (GC-IRMS)
- Precon - TraceGC - Isotope-ratio mass spectrometer (Trace-IRMS)
- Multicollector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (MC-ICP-MS
- Knife mill
- Ball mill
- Planetary ball mill (with 4 grinding stations)
- Sieving machines
- Microwave ovens
- Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) with 24 positions
- Rotary evaporator
- Vacuum manifold for 24 columns/cartridges
- Block digestion units (HNO3/HCl, Kjehldahl)
- Ultrasonic baths
- Centrifuges (up to 4 x 1000 mL)
- Ultrapure water systems
- Hot plates
- Magnetic stirrers (with and without heating)
- Sand baths
- Water baths
- Muffle furnaces
- Drying ovens
- Titrators
- Glassware
- Analytical balances
- Microbalances
- Laboratory balances
- Refrigerators and freezers
- Freezing room (to -30 °C)
- Horizontal and vertical shakers
- Test tube shakers
- Vacuum pumps
- Filtering devices
- Climate chamber with light control
- Glove box
- Vapor equilibration device
- Vacuum resin infusion system
- Microscopes
- Circular diamond saw
- Lapping machine
- Thickness gauge for thin section samples