Development potentials of floodplains and river landscapes

  • Contact:

    Lars Gerstner

  • Funding:

    Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, F&E UFOPLAN

  • Startdate:


  • Enddate:


A differentiated assessment of floodplain regions is carried through in this project. The nationwide balance study on river basin backdrops (Brunotte et al. 2009) and the report on floodplain conditions (BMU 2009) both substantiate a dramatic decrease in functioning floodplains. The goal is to identify floodplain regions which have a remarkable potential for the execution of floodplain development schemes, which in turn, lead to the improvement of their ecological state.

Basis for this study are an improved dataset of the afore mentioned balance study as well as additional data on hydrological suitability of floodplains from FLYS, a web-tool provided by the federal institute of hydraulic engineering (BfG).

Strategies and concepts of operation are developed and discussed with the appropriate state authorities by means of selected representative areas. A further step is to adapt strategy recommendations and concepts of procedure from past experiences for a nationwide application.