How does vegetation react to environmental change? To understand this, we use ecological field methods, remote sensing and numerical modeling. Besides basic research we develop methods that are applied in land use management or nature conservation.
Active research projects

Development of concrete guidelines for the ecological management of grassland and meadows on the KIT campus.
In the EUPHORIA project, early career researchers are investigating the phenology of aquatic plants throughout Europe.
The project will access the health of the urban tree species under the drought stress.
The project aims to develop AI-driven remote sensing products for accurate vegetation mapping using hyperspectral imagery.
MoreDeveloping and testing strategies to derive 3d representations of macrophytes using structure from motion
A long-term landscape ecological experiment and monitoring programme to determine the impact of elephants on a savanna ecosystem.
A long-term project studying spatio-temporal population dynamics of exotic plant species in the Drakensberg, South Africa.
Mapping the impacts of soil fertility gradients and long-term soil development on natural forests and shrublands via the relationship between soil resources and plant traits.