Consequences of demographic changes and new concepts of life for the elderly of the spatial structures of metropolitan regions, for instance Munich

The German society and specially its cities remain in a major phase of demographic changes which are summarized in geographical discussions, most notably under the keywords: Negative growth and Aging. The city of Munich is also afflicted under the current conditions of aging of populace.Little is known hitherto regarding the lifestyle and living standards of future older generations. It is nonetheless assumed that they will markedly differ from the present older generation, since through educational expansion, emancipation & participation, other standards & potentialities are available to them. Due to immigration of once young working population in the 70s and 80s, a particularly great cohort of these future “other” elderly people are encountered in the city of Munich. Therefore the new developments here are discernible to a significant extent than in other cities of Germany. In the aforementioned project, the concept of life of the future older generation (people presently in their 50s) for their retirement (potential migration, residential arrangements), are examined against the background of diverse spatial and social contexts (Housing situations, residential environment, gender, education, social status etc.) and different attitudes to the aging process (Old-age stereotypes) with qualitative interviews and standardized survey. This should reveal a precise picture of the standards of prospective "other" senior generation in a metropolitan region in future.

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